Thursday, September 15, 2011

Racial Profiling

So I've been doing a lot of thinking about racial profiling/racism today. I get a little riled up over it since V my boyfriend is black/Indian. I read the shebshi blog about a woman who was on the same plane isle with two Indian men on 9/11 of this year. She gets racially profiled, and violated if you ask me, it was detestable! If you haven't read it you should! You can find it @ It was so disturbing to me. I mean C'MON people it's frickin' 2011 can't we move beyond the whole skin color thing yet??? V told me about another story where some young kids in Mississippi went hunting for a black person to beat up. They beat up and KILLED a 47yr old black man leaving a store. Then they went to McDonald's for dinner, WTF?!!! Seriously your going to kill someone then stop for some chicken mcnuggets! Just makes me so frustrated. (I was gonna say F***IN PISSED but I decided anger in a situation like this just makes things worse) I was thinking of all the crap that people of color have to deal with in our society still. They are still hanging confederate flags on the courthouses in the south! Is that not appalling to anyone else? Apparently in places like Mississippi, there's still a "black side of town" WTH? What's with the segregation? So before I met V, I'd go shopping and usually within, oh, about 1min. of me walking into the department store, some salesperson would come up and say "good afternoon, is there anything we can help you find today?" Now when V and I go into the same department store, security follows us around like we are your common criminals. Or we get pulled over while driving and the officer comes to my window (passenger side) and says "are you okay ma'am?" Are you FRICKIN' KIDDING ME? What, now you can't make a Taco Bell Run at 9:00 pm if your boyfriend isn't white cause it MUST mean your being taken hostage and about to be a victim of a serious crime?! Why is it that whenever V and I fly, V gets "random security checks" at every checkpoint? I've never even gotten ONE! I even screwed up and put my laptop in my carry on suitcase which is apparently a big no no! While the security guard explained to me that "there are some very bad men out there who can do very bad things with a laptop" V was in the "glass box" again getting another "random security check". SH**, I had the FLIPPIN' laptop in my bag, V didn't even break any rules and he got "random" checked. I just got a pat on the back and a "be sure you leave your laptop out of your suitcase 'til after the checkpoint next time" talk. We have our first black president people, get over the whole skin color thing its STUPID! Bad people come in ALL COLORS! Trust me, I'm related to some!

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