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It was one of those mornings where you wake up and you just want to stay in bed all day and do absolutely nothing! So I decided to be lazy mmmm pretty much all day today. It was 6 o'clock pm when I finally left the house and it was only because my daughter was at a friends house and needed to be picked up... After I drug my lazy A** out of the house to go pick her up, she wanted to stay the night. (Since she homeschools, I figured it was fine.) I decided to go visit V at his shop. (He's a workaholic, that or I drive him stark raving mad so he tries to stay out of the house, I'm not sure which) It was kinda cool cause he put a outrageous stereo system into a "Low-Rider" semi truck (I KNOW, strange, low-rider and semi truck in the same sentence). It was AWESOME for a second I kinda wanted a semi! (LEAST I WOULD HAVE MADE IT TO THE KE$HA CONCERT! TOENAIL PROBABLY WOULDN'T HAVE POPPED THAT TIRE) Anyways, V (who's always thinking about food) asked what's for dinner? That's how the three C's came about... I have been in kinda a funk lately, and in desperate need of comfort food, So I came up with a plan. I made gourmet Cheeseburgers, I had CORONA (my favorite beer) and for dessert I had cookie dough! I know, your jealous right?! Yep, nice healthy dinner, if you find yourself in a funk or just needing some comfort I would suggest trying the 3 C's. It's what all the cool people are doing now! Notice the Corona says "LIGHT" that's to counter act some of the cookie dough LOL!
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