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Sunday, September 18, 2011
How the 3 C's came about...
Friday, September 16, 2011
How old am I?
My littlest girl is seven, we call her Beana. So Beana and I were talking the other day and she asked me if there were birds at the same time as dinosaurs. I am no paleontologist so I really have no Flippin' clue! So I tell her "I don't know, I think there were like Pterodactyls or something but they weren't really birds." Beana says, "mom, why don't you know you are full grown already..." That is the second time she's asked me what it was like when the dinosaurs were here... Apparently I am so old that it is no longer appropriate to use words like "rad" or "awesome" anymore, Beana started saying stuff like "sick" and "what's crackin'". My 10 year old daughter told me that I was a dork for rocking out to Cyndi Lauper "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"! I told her it's the all time girls anthem and I continued car dancing! she says, I'm a nerd right along with her friends mom (WHO APPARENTLY ROCKS OUT TO THAT SONG IN HER CAR JUST LIKE I DO) and my dance moves are RETARDED! Today Beana yelled "BAM" at me and I looked at her funny and was like "what was that?" She yelled it again and said "DUH mom I just dissed on you." So, I guess 35 is the new 100, and according to Beana "I'm Burnt"!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Racial Profiling
So I've been doing a lot of thinking about racial profiling/racism today. I get a little riled up over it since V my boyfriend is black/Indian. I read the shebshi blog about a woman who was on the same plane isle with two Indian men on 9/11 of this year. She gets racially profiled, and violated if you ask me, it was detestable! If you haven't read it you should! You can find it @ http://shebshi.wordpress.com It was so disturbing to me. I mean C'MON people it's frickin' 2011 can't we move beyond the whole skin color thing yet??? V told me about another story where some young kids in Mississippi went hunting for a black person to beat up. They beat up and KILLED a 47yr old black man leaving a store. Then they went to McDonald's for dinner, WTF?!!! Seriously your going to kill someone then stop for some chicken mcnuggets! Just makes me so frustrated. (I was gonna say F***IN PISSED but I decided anger in a situation like this just makes things worse) I was thinking of all the crap that people of color have to deal with in our society still. They are still hanging confederate flags on the courthouses in the south! Is that not appalling to anyone else? Apparently in places like Mississippi, there's still a "black side of town" WTH? What's with the segregation? So before I met V, I'd go shopping and usually within, oh, about 1min. of me walking into the department store, some salesperson would come up and say "good afternoon, is there anything we can help you find today?" Now when V and I go into the same department store, security follows us around like we are your common criminals. Or we get pulled over while driving and the officer comes to my window (passenger side) and says "are you okay ma'am?" Are you FRICKIN' KIDDING ME? What, now you can't make a Taco Bell Run at 9:00 pm if your boyfriend isn't white cause it MUST mean your being taken hostage and about to be a victim of a serious crime?! Why is it that whenever V and I fly, V gets "random security checks" at every checkpoint? I've never even gotten ONE! I even screwed up and put my laptop in my carry on suitcase which is apparently a big no no! While the security guard explained to me that "there are some very bad men out there who can do very bad things with a laptop" V was in the "glass box" again getting another "random security check". SH**, I had the FLIPPIN' laptop in my bag, V didn't even break any rules and he got "random" checked. I just got a pat on the back and a "be sure you leave your laptop out of your suitcase 'til after the checkpoint next time" talk. We have our first black president people, get over the whole skin color thing its STUPID! Bad people come in ALL COLORS! Trust me, I'm related to some!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Continuation of "BAD LUCK"
Okay, so just about the time I finished my post last night I drove over to my oldest daughter Risa's volleyball game. I'm totally amped because it's her first high school game, and I kinda pushed her to go out for the team. I think I was more excited than she was when she made the team. I even had a sweatshirt made for her with a volleyball & her name on the back (I know, I am a pretty cool mom. Don't hate!) Of course then my mother told me you should never do that because then pedifiles call out your kids last name, act like they know them, and snatch them up! (WTF) Anyways, back to the game... I pull up to her school right on time, 5 min. 'til the game starts. My daughter had called earlier to tell me she saved me a seat since there wasn't very many set up (She's a sweetheart, must take after me of course!) I walk into the gym with my two youngest daughters and they have a booth set up and they are charging people. Now I'm a little taken back because they've never charged for freshman games... I mean, i went to school here my parents went to school here and NEVER EVER have they charged for freshman. So I assume they are charging for the varsity game in the other gym, and I start walking in. Please tell me why the lady stops me and says "ma'am, I have to charge everyone" I say, "Your charging for the freshman game too?" she says "yes, I have to charge everyone, it's $6 for adults and $4 for children" I start looking around like a caged animal, one because I only have $1 in my purse, and two because I got this horrible sick feeling in my stomach because I know I'm going to miss my daughters first freshman game! I ask if they take debit cards, but I'm still not sure why I asked since I just spent my last $30 on gas. I didn't really think it was a big deal at the time since I'd just go to work today and make some more $$. So I tell the lady at the door that they've never charged for freshman and I was not prepared to pay $14 for the game, she says "sorry". I yell "IT'S NOT OKAY! MY DAUGHTER IS PLAYING AND I'M GOING TO MISS HER GAME, IT'S NOT OKAY, NOT AT ALL!" So now all the people that were in the surrounding area probably think I'm crazy. (what's new, my ex-husband called me that for years) Now, I walk outside and pace back and forth for a minute trying to figure out if I take my two little girls and teach them how to sneak into the gym through the side door... I felt guilty, so I finally just start crying and leave. It was AWFUL! By the time I reach my car I'm in hysterics, (i don't know why? cause I'm frickin' crazy I guess). I call V over the bluetooth while I'm crying and driving home. He gets upset that I'm crying like that in front of the little kids, and tells me to pull it together. He says Risa will have plenty more games, and I argue that they won't be her first freshman game and how flippin' horrible is it that nobody sent out a note or something saying they were going to start charging! I argue that I can never get that moment in my daughters life back, there will never be another first high school game. So after all the drama, I go back to work and do some more hair. (you know so I can pay for the next freshman game! UUUGGGHHH!) So today, determined to have a better day, I made my favorite comfort food in the crock pot for dinner.... Homemade chicken noodle soup! Yum, I'm feeling better already... I guess it helped that my client told me some really disgusting story that made me crack up and throw up in my mouth at the same time too lol!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Bad Luck
I'm sure a lot of you think you have bad luck, but you haven't met me yet... My life is kinda like that cartoon, what is it "Kathy" or something? IDK. You know, the kind of luck where if something can go wrong it will. Yep thats me... V (my boyfriend) and I decided to take the kids to Disneyland/California adventure this summer, so please tell me who goes to Disneyland and has 6 rides break down while your on them (not 1 but 6), has their rental car get hit in the hotel parking lot, gets charged double for the hotel room, has one of their daughters lose their purse with her spending money she saved for a year in it, misses their flight home, etc... I could go on, but you get where I'm going. So last week V gets free tickets from a vendor to the KE$HA concert, (I know exciting right??!!). We decide to take our three older daughters to the concert. We are going to surprise the kids, but V tells his baby mama about it and she tells his daughter (sucks, but oh well). I don't tell my two girls about it though, partially because I want to surprise them, and partly because the younger one has Tourette's syndrome (she gets a lot of tics when she's excited, nervous, tired, etc...) So I tell my girls to get ready cause we are leaving Hicksville, no later than 5pm to head to V's daughters house which is about an hour drive. I tell them we are going out to a nice dinner so dress cute. Since it was a Sunday they spent all day getting ready. (Girls, they have to do laundry, try on at least 50 outfits, do their make-up five times 'til they get it perfect, do each others hair in some crazy style they'd never wear to school.) You can see why its an all day thing. So by the time V pulls in from work to pick us up they are getting excited to go somewhere and strut their stuff. We leave a little late because now V wants to change his clothes (If you know a black man or are married to one, then you'll know that they have to IRON EVERYTHING) takes him like a half hour to go anywhere. He's worse than me, ANNOYING! Finally, we head out of this God foresaken town to the concert. On our way to pick up V's daughter we get a flat tire! I'm irritated because V has custom wheels and tires so they are not the most practical, when you get a flat it's a few hundred dollars down the drain and most places don't even want to touch them to fix them... So V says "awwwwhhhh crap, I don't think I left my spare in the trunk." We check and he does have it, but guess what? HE TOOK THE FRICKIN' TOOLS TO CHANGE IT OUT! What a nerd! V calls his baby mama since we are about two miles from her house, and like an hour away from ours, hoping she has a jack and some tools he can use to change it. She says no. Of course she does, cause we have the worst luck ever. Then V calls a cousins ex-wife he knows who lives in that area, after about 20 min she shows up with a jack that doesn't fit our car! (IT'S SUCKIN' PRETTY BAD RIGHT ABOUT NOW!) She happens to have AAA so she offers to let us use it, we gratefully accept. Thirty min. later the tow truck guy shows up, (concert starts in half hour) he won't touch V's tire cause it's custom and if he puts V's spare on which is not "custom" then it will throw off the back end ruining the differential!!!!! (OMG, I'M SO FLIPPIN' PISSED RIGHT NOW, at V not the tow truck driver) As a woman, I'm just thinking how stupid to have fancy ass tires on a car when you live in Hicksville USA. I mean don't we get stared at enough already. Then on top of it, you really don't even have the right kind of spare to fix a flat if you get one, AND no tools. I mean those low profile tires get flats if you drive over a TOENAIL! But that nice tow truck driver offered to drive us 60 miles back to Hicksville, wasn't that nice of him?... We missed the concert, but the consolation prize was getting to hear the tow truck driver talk about how FAT him and his daughter are... Then, he kept saying how it doesn't bother him to be fat. ARE YOU FRICKIN' KIDDING? THEN WHY IS THAT ALL YOU TALKED ABOUT FOR THE HOUR DRIVE HOME! Anyway, now that we were going to drop a few extra hundred on the tire getting fixed we didn't really think we should spend a lot on dinner so we had Carl's Jr. (the girls really lost out on this deal). Oh well, better luck next time. Or NOT!
Monday, September 12, 2011
Who the heck do you think I am?
So I'm the cute, nice little girl (notice I said little) that lives next door in the two story tan house with the white trim. Oh and we have a white picket fence, with a beautiful golden retriever! Two kids a boy and a girl they are perfect lil angels. BLAH BLAH BLAH!........ Or I'm a full figured, disgruntled EX-wife of high schools "popular" boy gone drug addict. Oh, AND now I live with my distinguished black boyfriend, raising my three beautiful daughters... Only reason I mention my boyfriend's skin color, is because I live in frickin' "Hicksville" USA. You know, the place where the handsome young interracial couple goes into a restaurant to eat and EVERYBODY stares at you like you have toilet paper hanging out the back of your pants! Yep, that's where we live...(wish you were here don't ya). Anyways, I do live in a two story house but its pink and mint green! Who really paints a house those colors, I mean seriously (I rent). So, I decided to blog about my crazy life. I call it "Behind the hair" since I'm a hairstylist and because I use my hair for a number of things such as looking cute, manipulating members of the opposite sex (kidding), to hide behind, to cover the hickey on my neck that my boyfriend thought was funny to leave (not kidding on that, I'm gonna get him back later... you know, on his forehead or something), among a multitude of other things... Sometimes I wish I could be behind someone elses' hair, maybe when you read my blog you'll want to be behind mine....NOT!
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